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Raising gas tax seen as 'most reliable' way to fund roadwork

Source: - Dec 6, 2016

It doesn't take an engineer to determine that many of Louisiana's roads and bridges desperately need repair. Usually one kidney-jarring turn behind the wheel makes that point painfully clear. Another no-brainer, it would seem -- particularly when slogging through Baton Rouge -- is the need for new projects to relieve crippling congestion.

Acknowledging the problem, and the need for solutions, is the easy part. State officials and residents have been complaining about Louisiana's dilapidated roads for decades. And politicians routinely tell would-be voters that fixing roads and bridges, as well as easing traffic nightmares, are top priorities.

Far more complicated, especially in this budget-challenged state, is getting a consensus on how to pay for it. Not just the $13 billion backlog that has been on the books for almost a decade but also another $16 billion for a growing list of "mega projects," including a new bridge across the Mississippi River in Baton Rouge.


Category: Louisiana
