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Louisiana To Offer 'Fresh Start' Tax Amnesty Program

Source: - Aug 6, 2013

Kelly Phillips Erb, Contributor
Have you ever eaten chocolate cake when you’re trying to watch your weight? You take the first bite and you think, “Just this one bite. I’ll take one bite and I’ll deal with the consequences later.” But then you take another bite. And another. And eventually, you’ve eaten the whole piece. At that point, you start to think, “Well, I’ve already blown my diet. I can’t fix it now. I’ll eat another piece.” And it gets worse from there.

That’s how many of my tax compliance clients feel. They never start out to get behind on their taxes. It usually starts with a little delay – maybe an illness or a personal issue. And then the delay gets bigger. And bigger. And at some point, the client starts to think that the problem is bigger than they can deal with. So they don’t. And what started out as a little piece becomes the whole cake.

It’s easy to believe when you get behind that there’s no possible way to get back on your feet. And taxes, like most financial problems, take their toll on other parts of your life: I’ve had clients go on meds, burst into tears, confess to not sleeping, file for divorce, threaten suicide, you name it, all because they believe that their tax problems are too far gone to fix. And that stinks.


Category: Louisiana
